2023 AEJMC Conference Roundup

August 30, 2023
2023 AEJMC Conference Attendees

Baylor Journalism, Public Relations & New Media were well-represented at AEJMC’s 2023 conference, “Fostering Freedom and Defending Democracy: AEJMC’s Impact Over 100 Years and Beyond." Baylor faculty and students presented research, served as panelists and helped facilitate discussions at the event held August 7-10 in Washington D.C.

The Media Ethics Division honored Marlene Neill, Ph.D., as the recipient of its 2023 Teaching Excellence Award. Alec Tefertiller, Ph.D., now assumes the role of Vice Head of the Mass Communication & Society Division, the largest division in AEJMC.

Paper titles and authors accepted to the conference:

  • “Missing Voices: Examining How Misinformation Susceptible, Underrepresented Communities Engage, Perceive, and Combat Science Misinformation” by Michelle Amazeen, Boston; Rosalynn Vasquez, Baylor; Arunima Krishna, Yi (Grace) Ji, Chao (Chris) Su, and James Cummings, Boston.
  • “Video Games and Media Dependency During COVID-19: #NintendoYearInReview” by Alec Tefertiller, Baylor, and Anthony Palomba, Virginia.
  • “Gender, Ethnic/Racial Representation in AEJMC Demographics, Research and Leadership: How Much and What Type of Progress?” by Mia Moody-Ramirez, Baylor; Federico Subervi, Wisconsin-Madison; Hayg Oshagan, Wayne State; and Emily Guajardo, Oklahoma. *First Place Top Paper.
  • “Integrated Newsrooms and DEI: An Examination of Workplace Satisfaction and Pressing Issues for Black Journalists in the Digital Age” by Sharon Bramlett-Solomon, Arizona State; Moody-Ramirez, Baylor; and Gheni Platenburg, Auburn. *Third Place Top Paper.
  • “Don’t Turn It Off While I’m Not Watching: Motivations and Gratifications of Background, Ambient Television” by Alec Tefertiller, Kaitlyn Clink and Devan Sutton, Baylor.

Baylor JPR&NM faculty served as discussants for three sessions:

  • Mass Communication and Society and Minorities and Communication Divisions, and Community Journalism Interest Group Scholar-to-Scholar (Poster). Mass Communication and Society Division; Identity, Privacy and Communication Technology. Discussant: Alec Tefertiller, Baylor.
  • AEJMC Elected Standing Committee on Teaching Panel “The Teaching Experts Are In: Learning in the Age of AI.” Roundtable Facilitators: Shearon Roberts, Xavier-Louisiana, and Mia Moody Ramirez, Baylor.
  • Minorities and Communication Division Topic “Critical Pedagogy in a Large Lecture Classroom: Increasing Awareness, Knowledge, and a Desire for Change.” Discussants: Vanessa Bravo, Elon, and Mia Moody-Ramirez, Baylor.

Moody-Ramirez will join colleagues for the Cultural and Critical Studies and Law and Policy Division's Teaching panel session, "Academic Freedom and Democracy: Struggles in Higher Education." Moderating/Presiding: Ralph Beliveau, Oklahoma. Panelists: Meta G. Carstarphen, Oklahoma; Victoria Ekstrand, North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Mia Moody-Ramirez, Baylor; Evan Ringel, North Carolina at Chapel Hill; and Natalie Tindall, Texas at Austin.